Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama: First World President

Barack Hussein Obama is now President of the United States of America. His elevation to the Presidency is historic for a number of reasons, many of them obvious and oft commented on. What is not so obvious is that unofficially and energetically he is the President of Earth. This became clear during his Berlin speech in the Spring of 2008. There he addressed the throngs as a citizen of the world to point out nations of the world must work together to resolve the numerous challenges facing all humanity. We ARE one people. Today in his Inauguration speech he again alluded to the need for our community of nations to work together. Obama is energetically the unofficial President of the World. Take note. This is a historic first. And it is to be celebrated.

National sovereignty is as obsolete as the divine right of kings. An integration of personal and global sovereignty may well evolve to replace this outmoded and violent concept. We today have a planet of co-dependent nation-states and dependent stateless-nations. Yet nations still exist and their institutions can be leveraged in mass collaboration. We all must learn to work together to resolve a convergence of severe global crises unique in human history. President Obama clearly sees the United States as the leader in our march toward global harmony and prosperity. It has been noted not only do we have the technology to make institutions of democratic world government possible, but if there had been a planetary election campaign Obama would have won it. This psychological and cultural shift is a first in human history.

Barack Obama's global popularity became apparent during his campaign. Obama's hold on the world's imagination and his gift to inspire people across Earth has been noted in more than one publication. For the first time in history we now have the technology to hold global elections and operate planetary institutions. And it is uplifting that of all people to be celebrated as an unofficial president of the world it is Obama, a complex, inspiring and brilliant man of integrity and ethics who honors his body as a temple as much as his intellect. We could have a dynamic orator galvanizing people with fear, hate, violence, and misplaced glory as many have done in the past, and we don't. We have Obama with a clarion call not just for hope, change, and love, lots of love, but for sacrifice, responsibility, cooperation, and immediate action.

Of course, we do not yet have institutions for democratic world government. Obama's title of President of the World does not exist. I made it up. America is, for a number of reasons, the one nation most though not all look to as a beacon of freedom and opportunity. American history is a deeply flawed one, many terrible things happened, yet this nation-state continues to climb it's metaphorical mountain, learning and growing as it did in the past. Obama referred to "the bitter swill of civil war and segregation" and how Americans overcame that. Many around the world look to America renewing itself and taking the lead in a new era of truly global cooperation. Obama's message was at times blunt. Basically he was telling us that although "America is a young nation" it is time to "set aside childish things" and grow up.

In the midst of our global celebration let us not forget the reality we face around the planet. World institutions exist but are not democratic. We can shift from rocking upon an unconscious tipping point to a deliberate and intentional Great Turning. We can choose world dictatorship and the global collapse that would surely follow or we can choose democratic world government with the freedom, peace, and prosperity that must follow. We can continue to choose the failed systems of either finance capitalism or socialism or move toward a healthier new dynamic capitalism that integrates our economy with the environment and puts people before profits. Instead of tipping ourselves in the abyss of chaos and neverending war and poverty we can choose to turn away from Empire toward Earth Community and eventually transparent, democratic world government.

Let us not forget the unofficial, informal and very real Euro-American Global Empire exists. Ejecting the Bush-Cheney Regime and its Neo-Conservative Cabal and even the Neo-Liberal Cabal does not change the fact the United States with the European Union and all their complex alliances and control over international bodies constitute a de facto if messy imperium. The Americans have elected a "good emperor." And this "good emperor" has his work cut out for him as he rallies the world to stand with him as we face challenges severe and many and lead us toward more, better, deeper, and richer democracy. Part of our challenge is not to "spread democracy" but to turn together as one people and one planet toward global cooperation and world democracy.

This may be the beginning of a historic transition far more enormous than any of us can truly imagine.

President Obama has the last word. From his Inaugural Address today:

"For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth; and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace."

William Dudley Bass
January 20, 2009

(C) by William Dudley Bass