Reform is Overdue and Needed Now
Electoral reform is urgent. Many
proposals have been presented in numerous countries including the United States
over the years with little results. There is too much inertia within the Establishment. The political
machines and the transnational corporations including the Big Banks controlling
them easily resist such threats to their power.
It’s easy for them to do so as they control the
voting: they simply vote “No!” when real change is presented. We jerk about
like puppets on strings and deride one another as “sheeple” or “bloodthirsty communists” or “capitalist
pigs.” Aren’t you tired of that? I’m tired of it.
What will work? It will take noisy mass
movements out in the streets combined with quiet and deliberate political
actions to legally infiltrate the Establishment by winning at the ballot box to
initiate changes. If we can actually win power even when we win an election. And it seems too late as so many challenges demanding
significant transformation, not just change, are avalanching down upon us all.
Electoral reforms are a must as it will allow us
to more effectively and radically address our problems. Open, free, and fair
elections under the eyes of impartial observers and vote collectors and
counters are vital for any functioning republic. Elections are one of the
cornerstones of Democracy. This is especially so for a democracy such as the
United States of America that is a constitutional federal republic.
Yet we find our political parties and the
electoral process corrupted by Big Money, i.e. private control of the money
power. Two dominant parties, Republicans and Democrats, work together so much
to control elections at all levels from the national to the state and local
they are often detested as “the two-headed snake.” Together they accept
financial support from the same corporations to such a degree many politicians
are generally considered “bought.” Such corporations leverage this special
relationship to finance powerful lobbying groups to advocate on their behalf.
The two parties partner up to dominate state
primary and caucus systems, control debates including marginalizing
reform-minded Republican and Democrat candidates such as Ron Paul (R-Texas) and
Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), block or reduce third and other minor parties from
access to the electoral process, and create celebrity dramas around major
candidates to obscure real and serious issues they don’t want to address or
even acknowledge.
While electronic voting machines have many
advantages, obviously fast and efficient in an age of digital
telecommunications, enormous populations, and multiple languages, they generate
additional problems. They are apparently easy to physically tamper with for
fraudulent purposes and can also be easily hacked into, even by remote control.
Perhaps worse, these public machines are owned
and repaired by private corporations. These corporations own the software and
refuse to allow government officials or independent observers “inside” these
electronic voting machines, machines they consider their private property. Such
machines don’t leave a paper trail, and any printed could be done after being
In turn some, such as ES&S (Election Systems
& Software) and Diebold were founded and controlled by Far Rightwing
families such as the Ahmansons who embrace Dominionist or Reconstructionist
beliefs. These are powerful, extreme Christian sects who believe America originally
was and once again should be a Christian nation. These theocrats believe the
Bible should replace the U.S. Constitution as the highest law of the land.
Numerous still unresolved controversies and
allegations of election fraud and bloodless coups remain from the past three
presidential elections (2000, 2004, 2008). Some controversies predate
electronics and go back to corporate interference in elections of the 1960s.
Thom Hartmann, successful entrepreneur, liberal
political activist, and progressive radio host takes on the privatization of
our politics. “Why have we let corporations into our polling places?” he asks
as he considers polling places to be “sacred to democracy.” Hartmann stands the
corporate infiltration and subtle takeover of our electoral process ranks as
the “greatest” of “all the crimes against” American citizens and their
democratic republic.
Elections are also a show and a sham in
one-party states and other governments where police, the military, and private
militia and gangs intimidate voters. Even in America we’ve had businesses
pressure workers to vote a certain way or risk losing jobs, promotions, and
benefits all the while proclaiming “And you’re still free to vote for whomever
you want.”
Electoral reform as well environmental reform
cannot occur without also instituting significant reforms of the financial and
economic sectors. Some of these reforms may require constitutional amendments.
Others may be accomplished in other ways including at state and municipal
Just for the United States alone:
· Ban political parties
from politics. They’re free to assemble, but cannot run candidates or endorse
issues, candidates, referendums, bills, nor donate or give money, labor, and
resources to politicians and candidates.
· No financial
contributions from any organization – corporations, NGOs, labor unions, clubs,
religious groups, etc. shall go to politicians, political candidates, and
referendums and bills, etc.
· Financial contributions
can only be from 1) a fully transparent government election fund.
· And/or 2) individual
American citizens from their personal funds, not their corporations or
non-profits or any other organization and must be fully disclosed, i.e.
· All electronic voting
machines and their software must be open to public audit and possibly
transparent public or community control, or we return to or develop a new
system of secret ballots and public control. We cannot permit private,
corporate ownership and/or control of any aspect of our voting process.
· Abolish the Electoral
· Abolish Winner-Take-All
Voting and replace with an alternative system from several proposed, including
open, direct elections with IRV, Instant Run-off Voting.
· All election campaigns
for all public offices, especially at the national and state levels, must be
considerably shortened in length of time. As we debate what is the appropriate
amount of time per electoral office, we must consider the amount of time it
takes to campaign for office in small nation-state such as the United Kingdom
may not be practical in a vast, sprawling federal union of 50 states and
territories. Barring political parties will shorten this.
· Territories such as
Puerto Rico must vote for either statehood or independence.
· Regarding the
Legislative branch, study the merits of a unicameral body (one house) vs. the
current two-house one vs. proposals for a tricameral system of three houses. Tricameral
systems vary including the third house as a “People’s House” or a “National
Wisdom Council,” to name two very different examples.
These are my proposals. There are many
individuals and groups out there with a number of proposals from all sides of
the political spectrum. Some share certain things in common, such as getting
corporations out of our voting systems and ballot boxes, or banning political
parties from elections, or abolishing the Electoral College.
There are back and forth arguments for or
against term limits, salary caps, interpretations of responsibilities (is
serving upon being elected to public office an honor, a volunteer service, a
paying job, a career, or all of those?), etc. with heated emotions and
misinformation all around, and they can be deliberated upon as well.
Yes, electoral reform is overdue and needed now.
We may disagree on the details, and most of us can agree on two items: 1)
reforms are needed, and 2) reform is urgent.
What reforms do you propose?
Dudley Bass
20, 2011
also my article “Abolish Political Parties from Elections” on my blog “At the
Brink” from earlier this month at: http://atthebrinkwithwilliamdudleybass.blogspot.com/2011/10/abolish-political-parties-from.html
Thom. Screwed: The Undeclared War Against
the Middle Class – And What We Can Do About It. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
San Francisco: CA. 2006, 2007. Pp. 143 – 148.
Eduard. “Electronic Voting Machines Highly Vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle
Remote Attacks,” Softpedia. http://news.softpedia.com/news/Electronic-Voting-Machines-Highly-Vulnerable-to-Man-in-the-Middle-Remote-Attacks-224130.shtml.
September 2011.
Reporter. “Man-in-the-Middle Remote Attack on Diebold Touch-screen Voting
Machine,” The Hacker News. http://thehackernews.com/2011/09/man-in-middle-remote-attack-on-diebold.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+TheHackersNews+(The+Hackers+News+-+Daily+Cyber+News+Updates)&utm_content=Google+Reader.
September 2011.
© 2011 by William Dudley
Bass. All rights reserved.
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